

Church Visits

Status:Active, open to new members
When: Monthly on Tuesday mornings 10:30 am
4th Tuesday of month from April to October

Group Leader: Chris Baker     Contact details: tel. 07729 104374

What’s the format of the sessions?

We meet outside the church we are visiting and as often as possible engage the services of a local guide to tell us about the history of the church and any special features. After the visit, members usually have lunch together at a nearby hostelry, but this is optional.

Is there a set programme?

The programme is agreed with group members at the start of the season.  Members are encouraged to choose a church about which they have knowledge that can be shared.

Do I need any prior knowledge or experience?  No, only if you have knowledge of a church venue that you would be prepared to share with the group.

How much will it cost?  A donation to the church, plus the cost of a lunch (if applicable).